Saturday, January 25, 2014

30th Anniversary

You will recall that we encountered a link to the 1984 Apple Computer commercial that unveiled the first Macintosh when we looked at the YahooTech web site in class last week. Fittingly, there is a blog post in this weekend’s NY Times that commemorates that event from 30 years ago. There is also a link to the first review of that Macintosh. I would be remiss if I did not share this magic moment in history with you.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Critcial Thinking Skills

Can the use of technology in the classroom co-exist with the pursuit of developing critical thinking skills in our students? This issue came up during our first class session. Here is one school of thought.  You might also want to read some of the online comments before adding ones of your own.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Exemplary Educators

Here are two compelling articles... a recent one about a principal in a middle school in the Bronx; the other about a high school English teacher from years ago. Effective leadership and inspirational teaching are essential components of quality schools. Please share your thoughts.