Saturday, January 25, 2014

30th Anniversary

You will recall that we encountered a link to the 1984 Apple Computer commercial that unveiled the first Macintosh when we looked at the YahooTech web site in class last week. Fittingly, there is a blog post in this weekend’s NY Times that commemorates that event from 30 years ago. There is also a link to the first review of that Macintosh. I would be remiss if I did not share this magic moment in history with you.


  1. Thank you for showing us this commercial! It brought me back to high school and a time that I couldn’t imagine why a person would need a personal computer. In fact, it wasn’t until after I had my first teaching job that I actually purchased one. Yet today I can’t imagine life without my computer, iPad and iPhone and the access to information they provide me at any given moment.

  2. The 1984 Apple Computer commercial is truly a timeless commercial. It is incredible to see how far they have come since that commercial. I also found the article about Steve Job's interview very interesting. It is very telling of the type of person he was. He was an innovator, one who took leaps without a safety net. I think this speaks volumes to why the company has been so successful. I wonder if they will have a new commercial in this years Super Bowl to commemorate their 1984 release.

  3. I enjoyed reading the article on Steve Jobs as well as watching the 1984 Apple Computer Commercial. When I think about my first apple computer to the computer I currently own, it is amazing to see how far technology has come. The part of the interview with Steve Jobs that I liked was when he said he was like a trapeze artist without a net. He is one who truly was a great innovator in technology. Thinking in terms of an educator, I also see how integrating technology in the classroom has become a very valuable tool.

  4. Reflecting on the Apple Computer Commercial in 1984 and connecting it to this years super bowl I wanted to share that I really enjoyed the Microsoft "Empowering" commercial I saw during the game last night.
