Thursday, February 27, 2014

Keeping Up with the Updates

Here is a septuagenarian's lament. Do you think this is just an "age thing" or can we all relate to the ongoing challenge, so elegantly articulated with a Greek mythology metaphor?


  1. I read this article and thought immediately of my Grandma. I feel like she has the exact opposite attitude toward technology (that she is not on a "tech treadmill"). She loves learning new things about technology and showing me her Facebook page. She says she has the time to learn all of the new programs or applications and loves to show off what she knows. I think she finds what works for her and she focuses on technology to stay connected with her family.

    I do, however, think that there is a continuos "tech treadmill" that we are on. Do I buy a new phone now or do I wait for the iPhone 6? How long will it take for the iPhone 7 to come out? I also think it is interesting now that technology is often looked at more than the clothing students are wearing. They comment on the phones or earphones they have, not necessarily the bran of shirt they have (although some of that still goes on).

    It is an interesting issue and I think as time progresses, changes in technology will only come faster than they are now.

  2. My parents would echo your grandma's feelings about keeping up with technology after retirement. My parents feel they now have the time to learn about and use all the new gadgets, apps, and social media. I enjoy all the aspects of technology, but I wish it would slow down. This, however, I realize will not happen any time soon because it is a lucrative business and the demands high. So, in the meantime, I try to remind myself that I just need to keep up with what I need and incorporate or update my technology only if it will make my life easier.

  3. There is a lot of pressure in today's world to keep "up" on the most current technology and information, especially to stay competitive and have some level of a commanding stake in the job market and the wold in general. No one wants to be left out, but what is the cost for keeping up to date. Are we losing focus on the experiences around us because we are focused on finding new tools to automate, streamline and speed up the world around us.

    I think of my Aunt who is soon to be 77 years old. On the one hand no one can warn a barcalounger better her. However she is always accompanied by her ipad where she performs every possible function possible through technology. Everything from communicating with friends and family, to entertainment, news and of course ordering anything she could ever need. I don't know maybe she figured it out. Complete self sufficiency from the comfort of her chair.
