Sunday, April 6, 2014

Tetris at 30 - Bigger Than Ever

Better, too? Well, they claim that technology can and should bring us together. Apparently they are doing just that while having "phun in Philly." Click here to read all about it. Check out the video as well.


  1. I love this idea! Tetris has always been a favorite game of mine and I love the idea of technology bringing people together in a social event. After watching the video it appeared as though everyone was having a great time.

  2. This is a great idea. Collaborative learning with Tetris!

  3. I'm all for anything that brings people together, but I will play devil's advocate and question if this event is really bringing people together in a meaningful way?

  4. I agree with the above posts. It does look like a lot of fun and a great way to bring people together.

  5. That is my all time favorite game... Technology definitely brings people together. I just got an old school Mario Brothers T-shirt and it has sparked up so many random conversations.

  6. I have always been a fan of Tetris and am a proponent of events that bring crowds together in creative ways, so this is wonderful! I am disappointed that I didn't see it live (since I was in Philly this past weekend),but can't help but think how cool something like this could be in Times Square (utilizing the various screens on the buildings as well as the buildings themselves).
