Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Wearable Technology

Google glass? Smart watches? Well, not quite. Our pets are going digital. Click here for the doggone details.


  1. This article is ridiculous. If a person has so little time for an animal that he or she needs to buy a device to monitor its activity, perhaps that person shouldn’t have a pet.

  2. I agree, you should not be supplementing technology in lieu of spending time with your pet. However, I did like the idea that data could be collected from animals through these devices to be used in medical research and studies.

  3. I disagree with the comments above. We have a dog who we absolutely adore, and my husband and I are out of the house from 6:45 am until around 5:30 pm; I certainly don't think that our schedules should preclude us from having a dog, because when we are with her, she is the center of our universe. We have a dog walker come midday every day, and I think the activity monitor would be a fantastic way for all of us (me, my husband, and the dog walker) to learn what we can all do to help Lola live a long and healthy life. I also love the idea of the Petcube, as it would enable my parents and other family and friends to get some e-cuddle time with our girl, whether we are home with her or not. We think of our pets as our children in most cases, so I welcome the idea of finding other ways to entertain them, monitor their activity and health, and keep them happy throughout the day!

  4. I love the idea of devices that can help monitor and prolong the health and life of pets. Research shows how greatly humans benefit from having a pet; it's great that we're using technology to benefit our "best friends!"

  5. I am always interested in new technology. I think the idea of monitoring your pets behavior through the use of technology is great. Recently, my boyfriend's father purchased a wireless security camera to keep an eye on the dog when he is not home. It seems to be working very well.

  6. I'm just not sure how I feel about the animal technology. I also am conflicted about microchips. I have two dogs (and frequently have a third dog we are watching- my mom drops him off). I know that most of the time I am gone my dogs are sleeping. I don't need technology to tell me that. I also leave them in a safe, comfortable space with adequate food and water. We really make an effort to exercise them multiple times in the evening as much as we can. They also come for walks with me and runs with my husband. My mom and sister also stop by to let the dogs out and to play in the middle of the day. Mr. Pickles is 12 years old and very healthy. We haven't had a problem with his health and we also haven't used any technology.

    I might consider this if Mr. Pickles or Carter got sick and I could not be there to check in on them. I would love some new technology that allows me to move a ball around (like the Sphero) to keep them active. I would be concerned about the issues surrounding lights (shadow chasing, etc).

  7. Tech overkill for me. I love when people with new tech act like it's amazing that we've made it this far without it. How have dogs survived evolution and our ignorance without a little bottlecap to tell us that we're letting our dogs become out-of-shape? I had a dog when I was a kid. She's 17 now. We took care of her, fed her properly, walked her multiple times a day and played with her constantly. If it wasn't for the cancer she has now, she looks like she could live another 17 years. People marvel at the shape she's in. I just think if you have a dog, it's a commitment. You have to make sacrifices to take care of that animal. If tech takes the place of that human interaction and attention, I really believe the dog suffers. I think things like this stand to do more harm than good.

  8. I have mixed feelings about this technology. I feel that if people are making the commitment to own and raise a dog, then they need to make sure they have the time to care for the animal. Simply using technology to replace human interaction is not the solution. But, on the other hand I understand that most people have to work during the day which means they are not home to care for and entertain their animals. With that in mind, I think using technology could benefit the animal in some ways. It could give the animal some attention and love during the day instead of them being alone. I just would not want people to use this technology too much and limit the amount of human interaction.

  9. I am really excited about the idea of the Petcube. I also have long days but have pets at home. Like Sara mentioned, when I am home my cats are the center of my attention. If I go away, I have a cat sitter come in for them and think the Petcube would be a great way for me to interact a little more with them when I'm away or have these long days.
